
February 15, 2018
BEI and OCMA – A long-time, great partnership
Every year the Orange County Medical Association celebrates the best physicians of the year with an evening of food, friends and fun! This year was no different. In January, OCMA chose PIRCH Design Center in Costa Mesa and invited some of the best restaurants in OC to showcase their culinary creativity. Over 300 guests enjoyed the evening and OCMA even offered drawing for a day with a new Infiniti!
Benefit Equity, Inc. has been a business partner with OCMA for over six years and we are one of only 25 companies, selected to provide education and services to physician, business-owner members.
"I love working with business owners," reflected Michael Gorelick, Accredited Pension Representative. "Helping doctors create their retirement plans is very exciting for me and my team. They hunger for knowledge and we are happy to provide this level of education."
Congratulations to all the best physicians of Orange County!
Author: Robert Gorelick, APA, Founder Benefit Equity Inc.