Blog Articles
April 26, 2021
Legislative Update Part Two
In this article we bring you part two of the legislative updates for the Cycle 3 restatement. Learn more about the new legislation as well as what to do next. There is a tremendous amount of administrative compliance involved with these new laws.
March 29, 2021
State of California Mandates Employer Retirement Plans
Important retirement plan requirements for California employers! In 2016, California passed legislation requiring all employers with five or more employees, who do not have a company retirement plan, to offer a state-run retirement program to their employees. The law became effective in 2020 and this program is known as Cal Savers.
January 21, 2021
What Happens When You Terminate 20% or more of your Employees?
The recently enacted Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Act) is a massive, 5,593-page piece of legislation. The Act includes appropriations for the U.S. government for the upcoming fiscal year, as well as funding for Coronavirus emergency response and relief. If you have had a 20% or more reduction in staff, we strongly recommend you check with Benefit Equity Inc.’s knowledgeable team to explore if your company is required to fully vest terminated employees.
October 19, 2020
Who’s an Employee?
As a business owner, are you certain your workers are classified correctly, as either employees or independent contractors? Do you know those who should be participating in your retirement plan or not?” If you’re a California employer, you are probably aware AB5, the law that makes gig workers such as Uber and Lyft, classify their drivers as employees. Currently on the November ballot is Proposition 22, that aims to exempt these ride-sharing and food-delivery firms from AB5.
August 31, 2020
Distribution and Loans Under Covid-19 - Rules Expanded
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced it is extending relief to plan participants whose spouses are laid off and who take COVID-related distributions or loans from their retirement accounts. The IRS in Notice 2020-50 (Notice) expands the categories of individuals eligible for COVID-19 distributions and loans.