Blog Articles
July 12, 2017
Emergency: Starting Your Retirement Savings at Age 50
Here in California, we have emergency plans for everything — earthquakes, forest fires, regular fires and even the forthcoming full solar eclipse in August (yes, you might need those special really cool glasses). But for those profitable business owners nearing their 50’s who have been saving for retirement using their company’s 401(k) Profit Sharing Plan, Benefit Equity President and Senior Pension Consultant, Michael Gorelick has some good advice.
June 28, 2017
Who Should Run Your 401(k) Plan?
Many businesses use payroll providers to pay their employees and keep all of that important info straight for end-of-the-year taxes. Good stuff. But a couple of the larger payroll services have begun offering 401(k) administration services. Now, both services require taking money out of employee paychecks, but the similarities pretty much end there.
March 15, 2017
BEI & Orange County Medical Association (OCMA) Strategic Business Partners for a fifth consecutive year.
For a fifth consecutive year, BEI has been granted Strategic Business Partner with the OCMA. Beginning in 2012 The Orange County Medical Association announced an exciting new benefit for its members. The OCMA designated BEI as their Business Partner for physicians who are looking to increase their pre-tax savings, corporately or individually, through custom designed plans, such as: 401(k), Profit Sharing, Defined Benefit or Cash Balance. The OCMA even hired BEI to administer their own 401(k) Plan at that time.
November 6, 2016
When Retirement Plans Get All Legal
Most people know a little bit about retirement plans. They know what a 401(k) is, why it’s important and they’ve seen countless ads about the importance of saving for retirement along with the requisite images of sailboats and smiling elderly couples so confident in their awesome decisions. How nice.
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