
November 6, 2016
When Retirement Plans Get All Legal
Most people know a little bit about retirement plans. They know what a 401(k) is, why it’s important and they’ve seen countless ads about the importance of saving for retirement along with the requisite images of sailboats and smiling elderly couples so confident in their awesome decisions. How nice.
But on the employer side, things can get a little stickier. For example, did you know that employer retirement plans with more than 100 eligible employees must be audited each year? And when the numbers don’t match up, things can get kinda legal very quickly.
For example, check out this list of the top plaintiff law firms filing (Employment Retirement Income Security Act) ERISA class actions against some pretty big employers out there for possible violations. Being sued like this is just another thing for business owners to worry about, right?
Not if your plan was reviewed and recommended by Benefit Equity, the company that retires your worries about all things retirement including ERISA compliance. Get in touch with us today at 1-800-899-9141 or to review your plan and your options moving forward.
Top Plaintiffs Law Firms Filing ERISA Class Actions
Author: Robert Gorelick, APA, Founder Benefit Equity Inc.